Mobile Insurance

Mobile Insurance for OnePlus

It’s the first thing you look at every morning. You steal glances at it every now and then. You swore you couldn’t live without it. It’s the last thing you look at before you fall asleep. Almost everything in your life today depends on it. Your Memories. Bookings. Bills. Money. Friends. Family. You can tend to be careless with it but can’t bear to see anything happen to it. Especially not if it’s that sleek and stunning OnePlus you’re talking about! After all, which other mobile phone offers you with such exceptional specs at a price that’s worth it? Moreover, with the recent OnePlus 7 launch, they’ve clearly outdone themselves once again. In a world where everything is going digital, protecting your OnePlus with a One Plus mobile insurance can be done online too! After all, it’s one of those phones that lasts for one to two years and you want to make sure it always looks its best!

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Know more about Mobile Insurance for OnePlus

Why should you buy a mobile insurance for your OnePlus?

With its sleek design and beautiful features, OnePlus has now become one of India’s most popular phones. While it doesn’t fall in the price range of an iPhone or a Pixel, OnePlus still falls in the premium segment, with an average price of about Rs 35,000, while its regular screen repair can cost between Rs 6,000 to Rs 12,000 (depending on your model). Honestly, after spending so much on your phone, the last thing you want to pay for is screen repairs, especially when it hasn’t even been a year! A mobile insurance for your OnePlus will protect it from any liquid or accidental damages leading to screen damages, whether it’s been years or even just a month- so you don’t need to spend so much on it.

Mobile Insurance for a New OnePlus


If you’ve only just bought your OnePlus, you must get a mobile insurance for it, even if you have the “one-year warranty”. This is because your warranty won’t really cover liquid or accidental screen damage repairs and let’s be honest here, that is the most common thing that could happen to anybody’s phone today!

Mobile Insurance for an Old OnePlus


Unlike other mobile insurances, we let you protect your beloved OnePlus, even if it’s really old. This is because we all usually get too comfortable with our phones over time and may just get a teeny bit careless with it and that’s when the damage happens! Get a short-term mobile insurance, depending on how much longer you’re going to use it for and make sure it’s covered for any accidental or liquid screen damage that could happen!

Benefits of a One Plus Mobile Insurance


· It will protect your OnePlus in case of an accidental or liquid damage leading to screen damages, without costing anything exuberant.

· Covers for accidental and liquid screen damage in any part of the world, so it doesn’t matter where the damage has happened.

· Makes sure your OnePlus shines and lasts longer.

Benefits of a One Plus Mobile Insurance

· It will protect your OnePlus in case of an accidental or liquid damage leading to screen damages, without costing anything exuberant.

· Covers for accidental and liquid screen damage in any part of the world, so it doesn’t matter where the damage has happened.

· Makes sure your OnePlus shines and lasts longer.

What will be covered in my Digit OnePlus Insurance?


DigitInsure Mobile Insurance for your OnePlus will cover the most common and most prone to damage part, your phone screen! Based on that, Digit offers its OnePlus insurers with the following:

· Covers all accidental or liquid damages that lead to damages to your OnePlus screen.

· Worldwide coverage i.e. the damage can happen anywhere in the world.

What won’t be covered in my Digit OnePlus Insurance?


While we provide coverage for the most common damage- your phone screen, we don’t offer coverages on the following:

· Theft or Burglary is not covered.

· Liquid Damage, or any other accidental damage, unless it leads to screen damages is not covered.

· Mechanical or Electronic Breakdown is not covered.

· Damage to any phone accessories is not covered.

· Phones with screenguards can’t be covered.